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Tenzan at Leyte

10. 1. 2014





Training mission 

18.10.1944/9:00 am

3x Tenzan

Airfield: Mindoro


-Welcome in 761 Kokutai. American devil soon invades the Philippines. We must be prepared to ward off attack.

-Our new torpedo bombers B6N2 Tenzan were equipped with an improved type of torpedoes - Typ 91 late. You are squadron leader.

-Parameters for the throws:

In Heiht of 100m is max. speed about 200 Knots and min. Speed is 165 Knot. You can attack from 100m with help of Bomb optics, recommended for static ships.

Mim. Height for torpedo droping is 30m. For heights 40-70m is max. speed about 220 Knots. Torpedo withstand really high speed.

-After starting will form formation ( Wait for your fellow fighters)

-Set AR Beacon for target area. 

-Enter the formation "VIC"

-Enter the command "Drop bombs on my command" but in campaign is sometimes more appropriate commands in the target area "Attacks Ships"

-Hit with torpedo old ship near AR beacon (The entire squadron throws off torpedoes at the same time)

-In the Target area, avoid sharp maneuvers otherwise falls apart your formation.

-Set AM Beacon for homecoming.

-You bring your formation close to home airfield and enter command "return to base".



Raid on Leyte Gulf


3x Tenzan

Airfield: Mindoro


Today the enemy carried the main landing at Leyte Gulf. You will lead your squadron to torpedo attacks on ships in the Gulf (BW30). Select only the big goals. Quickly into the air, will soon be dawn!

Battle of Tinaga



4x Tenzan

A large naval force operating east of us , your goal is a large aircraft carrier . Follow  the leader squadron.

Battle of Cape Engano

24.10. 1944

4x Tenzan

CV Zuikaku

A large naval force operating south of us , your goal is a large aircraft carrier . Follow the leader squadron. After the attack, you will not go back to the aircraft carrier but land on a ground base ()

Free hunting

24.10. 1944

3x Tenzan


In the sector () has been detected enemy tanker - obviously damaged , find it and destroy.

Battle in the Bay of Surigao


4x Tenzan

Airfield: Mindoro

Flying to explore the southern part of Leyte Gulf . Our ships are passing in the night might try to break through the defense . In the space will surely enemy battleships, try to hit them .

Raid on Taffy 25.10

Try to find and attack the group of escort ships, which operates east of Leyte Gulf ()






2Raid on Leyte Gulf 20.10

Dnes nepřítel provedl hlavní výsadek v zálivu leyte, v noční akci povedeš svou letku pro torpedový útok na lodě v zálivu. Vybírej pouze velké cíle.
3Bitva u Tinagy 24.10
Aifield Manila 
Velký námořní svaz operuje východně od nás, vaším cílem je velká letadlová loď. Následujte do oblasti vedoucí letku.
4Bitva u mysu Engano 24.10
CV Zuikaku
Velký námořní svaz operuje jižně od nás, vaším cílem je velká letadlová loď. Následujte do oblasti vedoucí letku.
5Volný lov 24.10
Aifield Manila 
V sektoru () byl zpozorován tanker-zřejmě poškozený, najděte jej a zničte.
6Bitva v zátoce Surigao 25.10
Dnes se vrátíte zpět do zálivu Leyte na noční lov lodí. Nejprve ale prověříte jeho jižní část. Je možné, že naše námořnictvo bude od jihu útočit na nepřítele. Vaším úkolem je potom napadnout velké bojové lodě.


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