Operation Supercharge 1942
On this day in 1942, General Montgomery breaks through Rommel's defensive line at El Alamein, Egypt, forcing a retreat. It was the beginning of the end of the Axis occupation of North Africa.
In July 1942, having already taken Tobruk, Gen. Erwin Rommel and his mixed German-Italian forces attempted to push through the British defensive line at El Alamein, but failed. The Brits and the Axis had reached a standstill, and both sides took time to regroup before resuming the battle. Meanwhile, Lt. Gen. Bernard Montgomery took control of the British 8th Army, and on October 23 launched Operation Lightfoot, a broad offensive initiated by artillery fire. Rommel's forces had dug a five-mile-deep defensive area, replete with minefields and antitank guns. But this did not stop Montgomery, who had three armoured divisions and almost seven infantry divisions. The Axis forces were without their leader, as Rommel had taken ill and was convalescing in Austria. By the time the German general was recalled to Africa by Hitler, two days after the launching of Lightfoot, Monty and his forces had pushed passed his defensive line and were six miles beyond the original stalemate point.
Rommel gave as good as he got, using his antitank weaponry to destroy four times as many British tanks as he lost (but still leaving the Brits with 800 against Rommel's 90). Montgomery's drive northward was stopped-but only temporarily. On November 2, he launched Operation Supercharge, switched the direction of his attack westward, and punched through the German-Italian line. Rommel retreated to Fukah but Hitler insisted that Rommel hold his position at El Alamein. Rommel obeyed, which was a mistake. Instead of making a stand at Fukah, he was forced to waste more time and more of his forces as the British pushed harder, forcing Rommel to retreat even farther as he attempted to escape sweeping British offensives from the south. By mid-January 1943, Rommel had been pushed through Libya into Tunisia. As Churchill would sum up: "Up to Alamein we survived. After Alamein we conquered."
We broke through the main line of defense and our troops again advancing westward. Our Air Force must support ground troops.
Red attack
Destroy defensive positions CN5 , CM5 , CN4 .
Destroy the artillery position CN5 , CM4 .
Destroy the German and Italian tanks CM4 and combined column CM3 .
Stop the supply column CG6 , CK6 to go east .
Sink the ships standing off the coast CI7 , CG8
Wellington destroy fuel depod CG6
Red defense
Defend the concentration of combat units CO5 , CM5 , CN4
Defend artillery CN5 , CN3
Defend command post CO4
Defend fuel depod CT7
The Allies broke through the main line of defense and rapidly progressing westward. Our air force will defend ground troops, but also to engage the enemy. The evacuation of italien airfield is in progress. Quickly enemy tanks are coming!
Blue attack
Destroy the concentration of combat units CO5 , CM5 , CN4
Destroy artillery CN5 , CN3
Destroy command post CO4
Destroy supply column going west CR5
Sink the transport ships in the port of Alexandria CS7
Sink the cruiser sailing on south CO10
Ju 88 bombers or CantaZ1007 destroy fuel depod CT7
Blue defense
Defend defensive positions CN5 , CM5 , CN4 .
Defend artillery position CN5 , CM4 .
Defend the German and Italian tanks CM4 and combined column CM3 .
Defend the supply column go to east CG6 , CK6
Defend Fuel depod CG6
Operace Supercharge
Italská armáda s Afrika korps se po neúspěšném letním pokusu o průnik do Alexandrie zakopaly na linii nedaleko El Alamein. Rommel měl velký problém se zásobováním, které zdlouhavě plynulo až z Lybie, navíc bylo významě paralizováno britským letectvem na Maltě. Britové však velmi sílili a materiálně protivníka převýšili. Koncem října spustil Montgomery hlavní ofenzivu, která rychle přešla po počáteční stagnaci v operaci Supercharge. Italsko-německá obrana se začla rychle hroutit, ale Rommel nebyl Paulus, takže svá vojska zázračně vyvedl z pasti. Nedlouho poté padl Stalingrad a sen o spojení německé armády na pomezí Kavkazu a Blízkého východu se navždy rozplynul. 3 základny pro LW, 1 základna pro RA, 3 základny RAF, 1 základna USAAF
THX Farky!
HurricaneMkIIb, MkIIc, MkIId
Blenheim IV
Beaufort II (Torp only)
Vickers Wellington
Tomahawk Mk.IIb
Bf 109F-4
Bf 109G-2
Bf 110 E-2, F-2
MC-202 ser VII
MC-200 typ7 FB
Cant Z1007